We hold a Fall Rendezvous each year featuring a school day on Friday and we are open to the public on Saturday and Sunday. The Wapiti Buckskinners Historical Group, a Minnesota non-profit corporation organized in 2012 with a mission “to promote the concept that our past can be best appreciated by researching and re-enacting periods of Early American history while encouraging and teaching others about it through demonstrations and hands-on experiences.”

Our Fall Rendezvous is held in Nowthen, Minnesota on the grounds of the Nowthen Historical Power Association (Nowthen Threshing Show). On the third full weekend of September each year we fill the grove with canvas lodges, traders, blacksmiths, craftsmen, competitions of archery, tomahawk, musket, and much more! Our participants bring to life the traditions and skills of the early frontier. We look forward to seeing you September 20-21, 2024 (not open to the public on Sunday).

Wapiti Buckskinners Historical Group

We are a group of history-loving folks who enjoy getting together to recreate our past, specifically the era of the North American fur trade and early frontier times of the late 1700’s and early 1800’s. Our name comes from the Shawnee word for white-rumped deer or elk, Wapiti.

Wapiti Buckskinners